Vue-MDC Released
Vue-MDC is an open source component library developed for Vue 3 that implements Material Design 3.
Vue-MDC has released its first preview version 0.0.1-pre.1
, and the documentation on Github Wiki is available. More component details and multi-language documentation will be added in the future.
New things
The preview version currently only provides components that have implemented MD3, and also provides some directives.
Available components:
- Button
- Checkbox
- Divider
- Elevation
- Fab
- IconButton
- Icon
- NavigationBar
- NavigationTab
- NavigationRail
- NavigationRailTab
- LinearProgress
- CircularProgress
- Radio
- Ripple
- Switch
- Typography
Available directives:
- v-color
- v-background
- v-ripple
- V-elevation
Next step
The Vue-MDC roadmap is already located on the Github Wiki, which contains the plans and status of all projects. The next plan for Vue-MDC is to implement more MD3 components and directives.